🎉 Dallas Beal, CCLP, Presented with the 2023 CITT Award of Excellence
HomeAnnouncement🎉 Dallas Beal, CCLP, Presented with the 2023 CITT Award of Excellence
June 12, 2024 Noah Sander
🎉 Dallas Beal, CCLP, Presented with the 2023 CITT Award of Excellence
Congratulations to Dallas Beal, CCLP, who received the prestigious CITT Award of Excellence during the awards dinner at Canada’s Logistics Conference on Friday, June 7, 2024.
A long-time member of the CITT National Board of Directors, including more than three years as Chair, Dallas currently serves as the President and General manager of Ghost Transportation Services in Saskatoon. And while his career in transportation started with a job as a dispatcher nearly three decades ago, his commitment to our industry dates back much further.
 “Growing up in the transport business, I always loved trucking”, he explained. “Even as a little kid, I loved going to the shop and seeing what was happening—being around the heavy equipment and seeing what was going on with fuel hauling, that sort of thing. I really learned about the business from an early age.”